Step by Step Guide to Planning your School Fete in Perth
1. The Committee – choose your committee carefully with one
chief, 3 sub chiefs and at least 6 Indians. The chief overseas the entire event
from start to finish, the sub chiefs head-up various sub-committees for
example, one sub-committee takes care of finding and booking the amusements,
one for advertising, one for food and so on. The Indians do all the legwork.
Delegate tasks with a completion date and following up to make sure they have
be done on time.
2. The Theme – decide on a theme in the early stages, as
this will determine the direction of many other decisions, like the season,
time of day, type of amusements etc.
3. The Date – Get the Indians to thoroughly research other
events in your area that may conflict and compete. If your school is on the
same property as a church for example, make sure there isn’t a wedding or mass
on at the same time as the fete. You could find amusements are hard to get, or
it could impact on attendance and therefore profits if there is another event
on the same day. Try to allow at least a couple of weeks from any other major
event including sporting finals, major sports events, The Perth Show to name a few. Read more about.....Step by Step Guide to Planning your School Fete in Perth.
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