A Guide to Planning a Fete in Melbourne

Start with a Plan Select a committee with like-minded people, discuss dates, themes, objectives, a budget, atimeline, marketing and write up a plan . Delegate tasks, to either individuals or small groups of 2 or 3 committee members, monitor the plan and record the details for future reference. Having a common goal like refurbishing the playground, will keep the school community motivated. What’s in a Name? Although the event might be the annual ‘school fete’ with usual content like food stalls, bric a brac, and amusement rides, the name of your event should reflect the theme and suggest fun and excitement. For example, seasonal names like Spring Fair, in the evening, Twilight Fair or Sundowner. Other suggestions – Funfair, Funfest, Carnival. Just be sure it lives up to its name and be wary of using terms like Monster or Mega Fair unless that’s what it is going to be! For more details, please visit - https://gymbus.com.au/a-guide-to-planning-a-fete-in-melbour...