GymBus Big Plans – Wash Hands

How… The GYMBUS is helping Combat the spread of the Corona Virus . It’s the word on everybody’s lips, and the thought on everybody’s minds at the moment. But, life goes on, and you may want to still go ahead with your child’s birthday party as planned. The staff at Gymbus have put a lot of thought into how we can waylay your fears and the fears of the parents of the young guests invited to the birthday party. Unlike play centres and multi-use venues, Gymbus has one party at a time with small groups, making it much easier to control hygiene. GYMBUS staff will… Wipe down all hard surface with anti-bacterial based wipes and sprays before and after each party and event. Party hosts… Will be asked to ensure that all guests wash their hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based rub on arrival at the party, after going on the bus and again before they eat. Read more about GymBus Big Plans – Wash Hands .