
Showing posts from April, 2017


Kids have always found hiccups and burps funny, but nothing is funnier than a fart! In fact, people of all ages seem to be amused by this natural bodily function. Whether it’s accidental, or deliberate kids and adults alike are likely to be annoyed or embarrassed but most will laugh out loud. However, how much do you actually know about farting other than they smell, they make a noise, and they come from your bum? So here are some facts you can surprise your family and friends with next time the subject comes up or should I say – comes out! Males fart more than females The word fart was first coined in 1962 The average person farts 14 times a day which is enough to fill a balloon Farting is not something to be embarrassed about, it means your digestive tract is healthy. If you or your kids are not farting go to the doctor. Read more facts about fart